Who We Are
We are a community of contemplative women in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, dedicated to holy adoration of our Eucharistic King, the Child Jesus. Before Him we intercede for the Church, her priests, those who send us their intentions, and the entire world. We live a simple joyful Franciscan life striving daily to grow in the virtues of His Most Sacred Heart.
Our Spiritual Life
The pillars of our contemplative life are Eucharistic and Marian through devotion to the Child Jesus and the practice of The Little Way.
"At last I have found my vocation. My vocation is love." -St. Thérèse
Our Spiritual Life
We adore Thee most holy Lord Jesus Christ here and in all Thy churches throughout the world because by Thy holy cross Thou has redeemed the world. ~ Our Seraphic Father Francis of Assisi

Holy Charisms
Eucharistic Adoration, devotion to the Child Jesus, Marian Spirituality, enfused by contemplation and humble service.

TheLittle Way
The Divine Child shows us the way to the Father, drawing souls to Himself through the Fires of His Eternal Love.

OurSeraphic Spirit
Poverty, chastity and obedience rooted in Divine Providence and The Eucharist binds together our life of charity, simplicity and joy.
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“The more the members of a religious community are bound to one another by bonds
of deep friendship and love, the more that community embodies the reality of the Church as
the 'sacrament of salvation'”. (LG 48).

A Life
Our Supporters Say
Quotes from our supporters and visitors.