SeraphicSodality of the Child Jesus
The goal of the Sodality is to give the Child Jesus an army of adorers, who are seeking holiness of life and interceding for the Church and the world, for Scripture tells us, A little Child will lead them.
Isaiah 11:6
And entering the house, they found the Child with Mary his mother, and falling down, they adored Him.
Matthew 2:11

Our local ordinary, Most Reverend Gerard W. Battersby, Bishop of La Crosse, has granted us permission to form a sodality, an association of faithful, to spread Adoration of the Child Jesus. We are most grateful to our bishop for this extraordinary gift and for his continued prayers.
The Seraphic Sodality of the Child Jesus is a group of little souls, lay faithful, priests and religious alike, joined together in our mission of Eucharistic Adoration, interceding for souls, especially for our priests, (without whom we would not have the Eucharist), and consoling the Heart of Jesus in reparation for all those who do not love Him.
Purpose of the Sodality
- To cultivate inner prayer and public Eucharistic Adoration among members who are committed to witnessing to the Divine Love of the Child Jesus.
- To console His Eucharistic Heart- "Which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even exhausting and consuming itself in testimony of His Love."
- To assist souls to grow in holiness by following the little Way of love and confidence.
- To intercede for our Church, our priests and our families.
Member Commitments
- To commit to a Holy Hour of adoration on a regular basis (monthly, weekly, or daily) At least twice a month.
- To bind themselves to go to Confession regularly and to strive to live a sacramental life.
- To recite the prayer daily: Divine Child Jesus, I trust in Thee (Jesus, Puer Diviné, In Te confido)
This sodality is placed under the protection of our patroness, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, with a special devotion to the Child Jesus, Who teaches us His Little Way to the Father. In the Most Holy Eucharist, Jesus is truly present, so small and vulnerable, awaiting our love.
Benefits of the Sodality
Each member will grow in the spiritual life with a community of devoted souls who pray for each other, sharing rich spiritual benefits.
Sodality members will be remembered in the daily prayers of our community -- the Seraphic Adorers of the Child Jesus.
Seraph wings and seraphs are symbolic of the Franciscan Order. Two years before the death of St. Francis, our Lord appeared to him in the form of a seraph and bestowed on him the wounds of His suffering, marking him with the stigmata. Known for his ardent love of God, we address him as our Seraphic Father Francis.
The Star of Bethlehem led the Magi to the Christ Child. They entered in and found Him with Mary, His mother, and they bowed down in worship. We too adore the Lord Whom we find hidden in the Eucharist. The Star of Bethlehem and the Triple Seraph wings make up the symbol of our Seraphic Sodality of the Child Jesus.

“…Behold, each day he humbles Himself as when he came from the royal throne into the Virgin’s womb; each day He himself comes down to us, appearing humbly; each day He comes down from the bosom of the Father upon the altar in the hands of the priest. As he revealed himself to the holy apostles in true flesh, so He reveals himself to us now in sacred bread.”
St. Francis (Adm 1:16-19)
SodalityHow To Join
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“Jesus is not an idea, a sentiment, a memory! Jesus is a ‘person,’ always alive and present with us! Love Jesus present in the Eucharist. He is present in a sacrificial way in holy Mass, which renews the sacrifice of the cross. To go to Mass means going to Calvary to meet him, our Redeemer. He comes to us in Holy Communion and remains present in the tabernacles of our churches, for he is our friend.”
— St. John Paul II
Nov. 8, 1978
Throughout the centuries, like the Magi, many still search for the Christ Child. The Magi found Him with His Mother in a poor little house, but in faith they adored Him as their King. Today we find Him hidden in the Eucharist: so small and vulnerable! Yet those who have the eyes of faith see Him still and also bow down in adoration.