TheLittle Way
The Divine Child shows us the way to the Father, drawing souls to Himself through the Fires of His Love.
“But as many as received Him, He gave them power to become children of God.”
John 1:12

The smallest actions done out of love
are the ones which charm His Heart.
A Little Child has been given to us, but in Him dwells all the fullness of the Divine Nature. The Father has given us everything in His Son Jesus. From Him we learn that God is our Father and as a father loves his children, even more does our Father in Heaven love us. Just as Jesus depended on His Father for everything, He desires us to do the same.
We need not look for lofty ways, for the Divine Child Jesus offers us this “Little Way,” this way of realizing His Love and so imitating it by His Grace flowing from His Sacred Heart. In the Eucharist, we find the Heart of the Divine Child Jesus ever present to us and ever waiting for our return of Love to Him. We see His merciful love and deep humility in becoming for us One so small and vulnerable. Moved by this most perfect example of Love, we desire to become the same for love of Him, a small and vulnerable child.
There are many saints known for their love of the Child Jesus, including St. Francis, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Padre Pio. By pondering His Childhood, we learn how to become more loving children of our Heavenly Father. By meditating on Christ’s infancy and hidden life, we strive to imitate His childlike virtues and so be transformed day by day, from glory to glory, into the image of the One we reflect. As we meditate on those intimate hidden moments in the life of the Holy Family, it inspires also in us a greater love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and a deeper desire for true familial charity in our own community.
Devotion to the Divine Child Jesus, who is Love, casts out all of our fear. He knows the weakness of man and so appears to us as a Child, that we may not fear to approach Him. Who could be afraid of a little child?
DevotionTo The Child Jesus
“He gave them power to become children of God!”

ChildJesus Prayers
"They found the Child with Mary his mother." (Mt 2:10)

Divine Child Jesus, Little King of Love, obtain for us a lively faith in Thy Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and the grace to contemplate in adoring stillness Thy Eucharistic Face. We desire to be set ablaze with the living flame of love that consumes Thy Eucharistic Heart and so offer Thee worthy adoration. Amen.
O lovable Child Jesus, through my devotion to the mystery of Thy Divine Childhood, grant that I may live my life in imitation of Thee, a Little One on earth, always seeking to love the Father and accomplish His Will. Hear me through the intercession of your Holy Mother and Saint Joseph. Amen.
O Jesus Little King of Love
I trust in Your Merciful Goodness.
Divine Child Jesus, bless and protect us.
This chaplet consists of 3 Our Fathers in honor of the Holy Family, and 12 Hail Mary's in memory of the 12 years of the Sacred Childhood our Divine Savior.
Divine Child Jesus, I adore Thy Cross and I accept all the cross Thou wilt be pleased to send me. Adorable Trinity, I offer Thee for the glory of Thy Holy Name of God, all the adorations of the Sacred Heart of the Divine Child Jesus.
Each Our Father and Hail Mary is preceded by the aspiration:
"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us."
On finishing the chaplet say:
Divine Child Jesus, bless and protect us.
This devotion owes its origin to the zeal of Sister Marguerite, a Carmelite religious, who died in France in 1648. She was distinguished for her devotion to the Holy Child Jesus. Jesus promised Sister Marguerite that the faithful who recite it in memory of His Birth, His Flight into Egypt, and His Hidden Life at Nazareth, will not only be granted the special graces of purity of heart and innocence, but in addition will be unfailingly assisted by His Divine Help in all their spiritual and temporal needs.
ChapletDivine Child Jesus
"And He went down to Nazareth with them." (Mt 2:51)